“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers — strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.” - Barbara Katz Rothman, PhD
Our work together starts months prior to your delivery.
In order to have an empowered experience and birth while making informed decisions, we will find resources and educational tools to answer any and all questions you may have. This will look like directing you to a local birth education class, reviewing research studies for evidence-based practice with you, discussing tools and techniques for labor support, developing a birth map, planning for supportive measures postpartum, and much more.
We begin our time together with an introductory consultation, and if hired, will have up to two prenatal sessions leading up to your birth. Our goal is to help you and your partner feel informed and equipped for the task at hand. Our time together also allows us to process prior birth experiences, develop goals, and work through healthy expectations.
Labor + Birth
When I am hired as a doula, I will be on call 24/7 for you from 36 weeks to when you deliver your baby.
When labor begins, I am available whenever you need me. Support from me looks like many things and is dependent on your individualized goals! But a few examples are timing contractions, counter pressure, warming up a rice pack, wiping your brow, encouraging new and different positioning, communicating with other members of your team, relieving your partner when they need a break, and more!
The postpartum period, for any mother, can be challenging. As your doula, I will remain engaged in your care throughout the first couple weeks after baby arrives. My goal is holistic: take care of the mother physically, mentally, and emotionally so that both mother and baby thrive.
We will spend time in reflection of how your birth story unfolded and answer any questions you may have in order to process your birth as well as give you and your partner much needed rest by aiding in tasks around the house (wash dishes, do a load of laundry, walk the dog, let you take a shower, i.e. whatever you need)! It is my greatest wish that we end our time together with you feeling supported, encouraged, and empowered by your birth with all confidence in your new role as a mother.
Offerings value at $1,000 in total
Contact me if you are later in your pregnancy and still desire doula services for birth and postpartum. Rates can be adjusted based on what services I provide for your individual needs.